Heaven’s Blessings Tiny Zoo | 3D Character artist Proficient with UMA

August 21, 2024
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Job Description

Volunteer Position: College Interns and Exchange Students welcome to apply!

3D Character Artist with UMA experience in Unity.Position Open:

Seeking a skilled 3D character artist to make some clothing for our UMA avatars, both male and female. Clothing will be in ancient Roman and Hebrew style. Experience making NPC avatars a bonus but not required. Experience with ATAVISM for Unity a huge bonus, and highly desired, but not required for making clothing.


Applicants should be skilled in creating 3D character models, clothing, and have experience using UMA and UMA Recipes to implement the clothing to the character options. This is the most important thing we are looking for. We can not train you in this, we need you to already have this skill.

Applicants should have their own 3D modeling software of choice, as we do not provide software licenses. Blender is free if you have the skill to use it.

Applicants should have the self-motivation to work without supervision. We do not have someone in your home to remind you it’s time to work now. You need to be able to log in and work on a predictable schedule without prodding.

Applicants should have sufficient hard drive space to download the game from our SVN repository. If you have never used SVN before we can train you. We are not moving our version control to GIT, please do not ask. We use Subversion.

Applicants should have 10-20 hours a week available to contribute to the project.

Applicants with experience using Atavism preferred, but not required.

About the Project:

Visions is a 3D MMORPG being created in Unity with the Atavism framework. It is a Christian MMORPG set in the ancient Roman empire around 200 AD during the time of the early church. Players start out as a newly freed slave and have to learn a profession and become established as a citizen in the Roman empire. We are using real world SRTM satellite data to create geographically relevant terrain (at approximately 1/18th scale) of the Mediterranean basin for an historical experience of living in the ancient world. Our starting area is currently on the island of Cyprus with 13 cities in the Roman empire. Players learn profession skills like cooking, blacksmithing, pottery, mercenary, soldier, entertainer, tailor, and so forth. There are different types of quests for players to experience, including historical quests, professions quests, scripture quests, and flavor quests. We also have holiday events, and hope to have live GM events periodically as well. We already have mounts working, and some quests implemented, and the basics of some of the professions working in the starting area.

Visions is a Christian MMORPG in which we hope to include quests from the entire Bible. We accept applicants from all faiths and backgrounds, but applicants must understand that we are working on Christian games and that is the purpose of our work, and we do discuss the Bible and our faith journey sometimes. We embrace the US Constitution and everyone’s 1st amendment right to free speech.

About our Company:

Visions is being created by Heaven’s Blessings Tiny Zoo, LLC. [HBTZ] registered in the state of Idaho. All work is done remotely from the developers own homes as we do not have physical offices presently. HBTZ was originally founded in 2003 in the state of Oregon. We have been in Idaho for 8 years now. Visions is our flagship project, and we have changed game engines somewhere around 9 times (with some of those only being partial changes but which required a full rebuild of the world) and all the setbacks that go with those decisions. We are using the Atavism framework now which is working fantastic to overcome many of the programming hurdles we experienced before.

How to Apply:

Please apply online using our Volunteer Application form. Scroll about half way down the page to find the application form here: https://tinyzoo.com/volunteer-form/

If you have any trouble submitting the form, or do not hear from someone within 2 business days after submitting your application, please send your resume in an email to Laurene’s email at tinyzoo [at] yahoo [dot] com and she will help you.

If you apply, let us know you came from 3djobs.xyz!

Company Name
Heaven's Blessings Tiny Zoo